2020 NSWBA Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT
118Myra KATZ - Darryl ALMEIDA50.7210.4810.48190.14
242Andrew MILL - Annette MALUISH49.529.6820.16200.14
340Terry STRONG - Jill MAGEE50.4810.3230.48210.14
444Wendy ASHTON - Robert CASE68.8419.5450.02110.27
59Bina KASSAM - Margaret GIDLEY-BAIRD61.3516.5466.5650.27
67Leigh GOLD - Kitty MUNTZ56.5214.3580.9140.27