State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Alexander COOK - Julian ABEL
12Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON-67.847.8419
210Giselle MUNDELL - Helena DAWSON210.7218.56160.36
318George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK-213.2521.8125
414Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES1916.2538.06190.36
55Gary SNOW - Rick LU-67.8445.9020
61Phillip HALLORAN - Martin CLEAR-164.5050.4023
716Heath HENN - Anthony SMUTS1515.2565.65190.36
827Peter JEFFERY - Yumin LI1515.2580.90150.36
923Paul DALLEY - William ZHANG-135.3586.2518