State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR
128Liz FANOS - Julianne ROCKS-19.649.64160.18
226Stuart SCHON - John GUREWITZ-96.7616.4021
38Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN1214.3030.70150.36
410Giselle MUNDELL - Helena DAWSON-145.0035.7022
525Ruth TOBIN - Tony ONG-145.0040.7025
624Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER812.8853.58220.36
72Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON411.4465.02210.36
819Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI010.0075.02180.18
93Jonathan KELLY - Peter CLOKE3520.0095.02130.36