State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Giselle MUNDELL - Helena DAWSON
125Ruth TOBIN - Tony ONG-67.847.8419
217Alexander COOK - Julian ABEL-29.2817.1218
321Julian FOSTER - David WESTON511.8028.92160.36
413Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR1415.0043.92100.36
519Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI010.0053.92120.18
66Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN-125.7059.6218
718George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK-125.7065.3220
823Paul DALLEY - William ZHANG010.0075.32170.18
927Peter JEFFERY - Yumin LI612.1687.48160.36