State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Phillip HALLORAN - Martin CLEAR
116Heath HENN - Anthony SMUTS1113.9513.9540.36
220Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF-96.7620.7113
328Liz FANOS - Julianne ROCKS-116.0526.7620
415Liam MILNE - Susan HUMPHRIES1314.6541.41140.36
56Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN-87.1248.5319
617Alexander COOK - Julian ABEL1615.5064.03110.36
723Paul DALLEY - William ZHANG2116.7580.7860.36
814Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES311.0891.8640.36
926Stuart SCHON - John GUREWITZ1515.25107.1130.36