2019 Tumbarumba Congress
results | boards | match scores | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1172Andrew SPOONER - Sebastian YUEN140.120.1
252Richard HILLS - Chris STEAD138.019.0
3121Len VAN DER HOR - Liz VAN DER HOR134.017.0
432Pamela MCKITTRICK - Odette MAYNE133.016.5
591Charles MCMAHON - John MCMAHON126.013.0
6141Eric LINDH - Patricia PHILLIPS125.012.5
7171Keiran CROWE-MAI - Christy GEROMBOUX122.011.0
751Alison FARTHING - Dorothy JESNER122.011.0
7202John MCDONALD - Yvette GILROY122.011.0
10142Adele BROWN - Louise CREGAN119.09.5
11111Jude HILLAM - Heather LAST118.09.0
12161Adrienne STEPHENS - Peter KAHLER117.08.5
1282Peggy TSAI - Basil SHANAHAN117.08.5
1431Claire HUGHES - Cathi BYWATER116.08.0
1522Bev CROSSMAN - Bruce CROSSMAN113.06.5
16162Janet KAHLER - Peter QUACH19.04.5
17101Janet STRZELECKI - Edith FLANAGAN17.03.5
1812Jan RAVA - David BRENNAN13.01.5
18192Mary JENKINS - Pip BRADY13.01.5
2081Grant HARRIS - Judy MAGINNITY12.01.0
2172Narelle BEAZLEY - Libby LAMONT1-2.0-1.0
22201Susan MARTIN - Therese KINCH1-3.0-1.5
2221Leone MOFFAT - Elainne HALEY1-3.0-1.5
2492Susan MCMAHON - Ken MCMAHON1-7.0-3.5
25151Margot BRENNAN - Peter BRENNAN1-9.0-4.5
2611Phil GLOVER - Bal KRISHAN1-13.0-6.5
2742Cathy GILTRAP - Danny BOWDEN1-16.0-8.0
2871Ann BERRY - Fran MARTIN1-17.0-8.5
28152Paul SCHULZ - John CHAPMAN1-17.0-8.5
30122Barbara TOOHEY - Sue PILLANS1-18.0-9.0
31131Sally BURNS - Gwen RIORDAN1-19.0-9.5
32191Jan JACKSON - Thea DALGLISH1-22.0-11.0
3262Steve WINNETT - Marjorie WINNETT1-22.0-11.0
32182Mike PEMBERTON - Sue PEMBERTON1-22.0-11.0
35132Cherry LINDSAY - Margaret FOSTER1-25.0-12.5
36102Loretta PERCIVAL - Laraine PARKER1-26.0-13.0
3741Mary PROWSE - Richard HARMAN1-33.0-16.5
38112Valerie COOK - Liz MOSS1-34.0-17.0
3961Loueen GRANT - Elizabeth CAMERON1-38.0-19.0
40181Suzie INGLE - Carmen BROWN1-40.1-20.1