2019 NSWBA Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Catherine CHAFFEY - Colin CLIFFORD
148Julian FOSTER - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN52.0811.3911.39230.12
211Anna ST CLAIR - Dee HARLEY51.3010.8722.26210.12
318Sebastian YUEN - Christy GEROMBOUX50.0310.0232.28190.12
432Marieta BORTHWICK - Annegrete KOLDING57.7615.1047.38120.24
521Kit MEYERS - Fiona FAWCETT44.016.0153.3922
614Marjorie ASKEW - William POWELL39.773.9157.3031
730Terry BROWN - Jeanette REITZER45.687.1264.4235