2019 Dubbo Congress
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 4 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

132Bev CROSSMAN - Bruce CROSSMAN480.074.8
2182Jennifer HECTOR - Terry BOSSOMAIER470.673.5
3132Anne HAZELTON - Peter TARLINTON454.055.9
431Leone MOFFAT - Elainne HALEY434.042.7
5152Jean HYDLEMAN - Ralph EDWARDS435.032.6
672Georgina MCMAHON - Kyle GIGGACHER427.029.8
7131Jane NORTH - Ian LINCOLN418.026.0
871Charles MCMAHON - Ken MCMAHON420.020.9
9112Denise GOUGH - Elizabeth LAMBELL412.020.0
10142David LANDER - Helene LANDER418.019.4
11181Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE4-5.013.5
12121Regina SPEIRS - Mary TAYLOR424.011.6
13151Marelle IRVINE - Christine CHANDLER410.410.6
1412 24.08.3
1582Eileen LARSEN - Mathea MCCOWAGE45.07.1
16141Peter PERRY - Phyllis LOGAN410.26.4
1761Pam BRADFORD - Murray PATERSON418.06.1
1841Michele TREDINNICK - Robyn PEARCE4-10.04.8
19111Peter REED - Michele KERIN44.04.0
20102Cindy XU - Margaret SASSEN4-2.03.3
2191Greig BALL - Louise PAYNE415.02.5
2281Leslie KELLY - Erna SCHMIDT4-7.0-3.1
2321Frances HIATT - Geoffrey HIATT4-1.0-3.3
24161Kerri READFORD - Lorraine HARRISON43.0-5.3
2551Fitz MCKAY - Lyn ARMSTRONG4-4.0-5.5
2642Sally SPENCE - Hilda TOVEY4-11.0-10.2
2752 3-15.0-12.9
28172Carole KING - Sue OWENS4-21.0-17.1
2911Natalie BURKE - Bettyanne MCFARLAND4-10.0-23.8
30101Frank CANT - Phil HALPIN4-31.0-34.3
3192David REDDEL - Keith FIEDLER4-32.0-38.4
32171Nancy PEACOCKE - Pam HARVEY4-39.0-49.1
3362Christine KERSHAW - Judy JACKSON4-56.0-58.5
34162Vicki MILLER - Sharon MCALLISTER4-63.0-67.5
35122Anne INGRAM - Patsy WRIGLEY4-78.0-76.1
3622Di LOGAN - Bev MCLENNAN4-104.2-100.1