Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs History  

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Julian FOSTER - David WESTON
12Sally LAZAR - Richard LAZAR58.5915.4415.4450.18
212Robert KROCHMALIK - Nick HUGHES50.0010.0025.4480.09
315Nigel ROSENDORFF - Andrew MARKOVICS45.456.9732.419
49Fraser REW - Paul DALLEY59.0915.6448.0550.18
513Margaret GIDLEY-BAIRD - Patricia LACEY54.8213.2161.2650.18
617Ben CHOSID - David WURTH44.956.6367.897
75Elliott KAPLAN - Peter BENDELSTEIN70.7120.0087.8950.18
810Martin BLOOM - Les GREWCOCK61.6216.65104.5420.18
94Giza FLETCHER - George FLEISCHER50.0010.00114.5420.09