Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs History  

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Margaret GIDLEY-BAIRD - Patricia LACEY
11Stuart SCHON - John GUREWITZ67.6819.0719.0720.18
24Giza FLETCHER - George FLEISCHER52.5311.6930.7620.18
317Ben CHOSID - David WURTH33.841.5432.3011
423Liz SYLVESTER - Alexander COOK58.0815.2347.5360.18
514Julian FOSTER - David WESTON45.186.7954.329
619Robert CASE - Margaret PUSSELL46.467.6461.969
724Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN61.1116.4478.4060.18
815Nigel ROSENDORFF - Andrew MARKOVICS50.0010.0088.4070.09
912Robert KROCHMALIK - Nick HUGHES52.5311.69100.0960.18