Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Colin CLIFFORD - Catherine CHAFFEY
123Liz SYLVESTER - Alexander COOK46.467.647.6416
218Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR42.935.2912.9320
31Stuart SCHON - John GUREWITZ49.499.6622.59210.09
47Andy SEBESTYEN - Frank BUDAI59.6015.8438.43140.18
59Fraser REW - Paul DALLEY36.412.5640.9918
616Liz FANOS - Julianne ROCKS54.0412.6953.68170.18
78Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER49.499.6663.34170.09
824Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN43.435.6268.9620
922John SCUDDER - Alan COOPER42.424.9773.9321