2019 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | draw for round 8
Final History  

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Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL
14Peter JEFFERY - Andrew MARKOVICS-97.0313.196
29Mike HUGHES - Peter FORDHAM-145.3818.579
38Peter STRASSER - Rena KAPLAN411.3229.8980.54
46Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-223.6233.519
52Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI-292.1035.6110
65Nigel ROSENDORFF - Anthony BURKE611.9847.5990.54
71David WURTH - Patsy MCCARTNEY-204.0651.6510
87Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS3018.1169.7690.54
93Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI-213.8473.609