2019 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Simon STANCU - Alexandra BRADLEY
116John ROGERS - Colin CLIFFORD511.9511.9580.14
23Martin BLOOM - Dennis ZINES-58.0520.0010
38Helen HORWITZ - Murray GREEN-38.8328.8310
420Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE-86.8835.7112
518Alexander COOK - Robin HO-67.6643.3714
64Stuart SCHON - Maeve DOYLE1716.0359.40110.14
717Ann BAKER - Andre BAROUKH-29.2268.6211
816John ROGERS - Colin CLIFFORD411.5680.18100.14
918Alexander COOK - Robin HO-173.9784.1514
1010John SCUDDER - Neville MOSES-193.3987.5415
1113Phillip HALLORAN - Warren ROBINSON1716.03103.57150.14
124Stuart SCHON - Maeve DOYLE010.00113.57140.07