2019 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Julianne ROCKS - Helen LOWRY
111Marilyn CHADWICK - Toni SHARP2718.8818.8810.14
219George FINIKIOTIS - Liz FANOS813.1232.0010.14
314Candice GINSBERG - Karen MCCALLUM-29.2241.223
47Liz SYLVESTER - Catherine CHAFFEY-29.2250.444
512Colin BAKER - Johnno NEWMAN511.9562.3920.14
63Martin BLOOM - Dennis ZINES-222.5264.918
716John ROGERS - Colin CLIFFORD913.5178.4260.14
811Marilyn CHADWICK - Toni SHARP-164.2682.688
99Pauline POTTS - Liam MILNE-125.4288.1011
105Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER-173.9792.0714
114Stuart SCHON - Maeve DOYLE1114.29106.36140.14
1220Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE1013.90120.26100.14