2018 Hunters Hill Teams Congress
results | boards | cross table | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 5
Restricted/Novice Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 4 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1462Cheryl HENKE - Jacky GRUSZKA441.044.0
2432Kathy LAWSON - Anne TERNES440.043.4
3471Hugh MAKIN - Jay NOVAK437.042.1
4481Wendy HAWKER - Sarah KELSEY442.034.8
5461Joanne MORGAN - Cate WHITTAKER420.027.6
6411Marion STEWART - John HEIKE427.020.5
7451Darrel DUNN - Bruce CROKER412.020.0
8422Richard SHELDRAKE - Gloria JENKYN410.017.5
9442Diana MCAULIFFE - Jenny BURCHMORE49.07.3
10452Steve WEBSTER - Lyn WIDDUP47.06.1
11472Wendy MERRINGTON - Lorenzo ORSINI44.05.5
12421Paula NIGEM - Dianne STACEY4-2.01.4
13501Iain CLARK - Kim DAVEN41.0-11.1
14502Peter MESSINESI - Lyn GERATHY4-16.0-12.6
15412Geoff ROWELL - Robyn WILMOT4-5.0-13.0
16482Jenny WIEDENBEIN - Roz TINDALL4-16.0-19.1
17431Shelley TAYLOR - Jennifer FERGUSON4-23.0-19.4
18491Noreene CLAPSON - Vijay BELAPURKAR4-40.0-43.5
19441Nader ESBER - Maeve DOYLE4-62.0-66.4
20492Chris DALE - Valerie THOMAS4-86.0-85.0