2018 Youth Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table
Qualifying Match Scores Round 7 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
8Lara TOPPER - Heath HENN76.4970.736
7Edmond LEE - Crispy RHODES1613.5179.442
1Jack MARKEY - Candela BEYREUTHA36.8826.258
6You HU - Junkai ZHOU1113.1274.305
2Nico RANSON - John MCMAHON2216.0389.731
5Alex PHILLIPS - James PALMER53.9764.867
4Matt SMITH - Tomer LIBMAN44.8478.793
3Lakshmi SUNDERASAN - Kevin ROSENBERG1815.1675.904