2018 Women's Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
Qualifying History  

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Kelela ALLEN - Susan CAPP
119Ellen BORDA - Madeleine GRAY44420.18
218Judy MOTT - Cathryn HERDEN55940.18
317Jessica BRAKE - Rena KAPLAN-2-273
416Monica GINSBERG - Sybil HURWITZ-9-9-27
515Chris WILLIAMS - Liz SYLVESTER1010850.18
614Julianne ROCKS - Liz FANOS19192720.18
713Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES002720.09
812Susan HUMPHRIES - Sophie ASHTON-12-12154
911Frances LYONS - Heather CUSWORTH772240.18