2018 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 8
Swiss Pairs History  

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Peter JEFFERY - Yumin LI
114Kerry MCKAY - Heath HENN3418.5318.5310.56
213John MCMAHON - Nico RANSON-77.9026.437
31Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER511.5037.9370.56
427Jessica BRAKE - Susan HUMPHRIES511.5049.4360.56
520Ashley BACH - Arlene DALLEY2717.0666.4930.56
65Pauline POTTS - Liam MILNE2316.1882.6720.56
78Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE010.0092.6720.28
828Ian LISLE - Vicky LISLE1013.00105.6720.56