2017 Central Coast GNOT Regional Final
results | match scores | draw for round 6 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 5 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

111Dorothy BERZINS - Margo BRENNAN555.057.0
272Julie SADLER - Anne GRAYDEN537.034.1
342Angela DOUGALL - Kevin DOUGALL534.029.4
422Chris HANNAN - Diana ELLIS536.022.2
521Di COATS - Janet CLARKE522.020.0
661Hope TOMLINSON - Barry FOSTER55.08.8
752Noel CROCKETT - Shirley CROCKETT57.06.3
812Peter BERZINS - Toni DIXON59.00.3
941Bob MORRIS - Jacqueline WILSON52.0-2.8
1032Henrietta HOHNEN - Sylvia FOSTER5-6.0-9.1
1151Louis KOOLEN - Barbara GRANT5-23.0-12.0
1262David SNOW - Martin JOHNSON5-23.0-23.4
1381Elizabeth LAWRENCE - Marie PURKISS5-34.0-24.7
1482Alfie NATION - Gwen WHITE5-35.0-30.3
1571Alan BUSTANY - Jurate PETRAUSKAS5-37.0-35.9
1631Colin MITCHELL - Wendy MITCHELL5-49.0-39.9