2017 Tumbarumba Congress
results | boards | match scores | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

112Stephen MENDICK - Jenny MENDICK237.037.3
2112Narelle BEAZLEY - Libby LAMONT235.029.8
391Jan HACKETT - Tom HACKETT238.025.8
441Jan RAVA - David BRENNAN225.024.8
511Alison FARTHING - Dorothy JESNER216.022.3
642Phil GLOVER - Bal KRISHAN227.020.8
771Margaret ROUGHAN - Janet NORRIS224.020.3
881Richard HILLS - Chris STEAD235.018.3
961Len VAN DER HOR - Liz VAN DER HOR213.010.0
10121Kim KIELBASA - Andrea PALMER2-10.01.8
11131Mary JENKINS - Helen RENSHAW2-11.00.5
12132Tracy KURRLE - Ann BERRY212.00.3
13122Marjorie WINNETT - Rosie SATCHELL211.0-1.0
1492Mary PROWSE - Richard HARMAN21.0-1.5
1451Johanna ARMSTRONG - Joan PIPER212.0-1.5
1682Val BROCKWELL - John BROCKWELL2-2.0-1.8
1752Jennette ROSETTA - Fay MILLER2-13.0-3.8
1862Barbara TOOHEY - Sue PILLANS2-18.0-5.5
1922John CHAPMAN - Paul SCHULZ2-2.0-8.3
20102Judy MAGINNITY - Basil SHANAHAN2-31.0-12.8
21101Peggy TSAI - Christine VINSON2-23.0-23.3
2272Judy ROBERTSON - Margaret HARDY2-36.0-24.3
2221Peter BRENNAN - Margot BRENNAN2-24.0-24.3
24111Jeanette NAGLE - Tess HARRISON2-37.0-31.3
2531Wendy CURTIS - Paul GIBSON2-41.0-34.8
2632Fran MARTIN - Anne COTTAM2-38.0-37.8