2017 Bathurst Novice Congress
results | boards | match scores | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 6
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 5 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

181Peter HORWOOD - Allan ADCROFT576.071.2
232Jenny BURCHMORE - Pamela BEDWELL544.054.3
351Diana WHITELEY - Margaret MUNSON540.034.0
482Jim DRISCOLL - Sue STACEY537.027.3
561Elizabeth CUSACK - Ngaire MEEHAN529.025.6
622John ADAMS - Joy ADAMS521.021.6
742Felicity LAWN - Robin HICKS515.012.0
831Diana MCAULIFFE - Georgina MCMAHON56.09.1
911Patricia ROBINSON - Bruce WIGGINS5-11.0-1.7
1071Anne ELLIOTT - Noel THOMAS5-2.0-6.2
1121Phil CUMMINGS - Kevin WILDS54.0-6.4
1212Gillian WAINWRIGHT - John SHIELD5-18.0-6.5
1341Conny SZENCZY - Graham JONES50.0-9.7
1472Jan MADDEN - Geoff GRIFFIN5-24.0-18.3
1562Julie COWLING - Faye FRANKLIN5-24.0-20.9
1652Margaret BARKER - Judith Ann FRANCIS5-28.0-34.3
1792Ian NICHOLSON - Jenny NICHOLSON5-71.0-59.2
1891Dietmar SAJOWITZ - Lyn PROWSE5-94.0-91.9