2017 Bathurst Novice Congress
results | boards | match scores | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

181Peter HORWOOD - Allan ADCROFT247.041.0
232Jenny BURCHMORE - Pamela BEDWELL243.033.3
321Phil CUMMINGS - Kevin WILDS230.022.5
461Elizabeth CUSACK - Ngaire MEEHAN217.011.8
582Jim DRISCOLL - Sue STACEY217.07.0
662Julie COWLING - Faye FRANKLIN2-5.03.3
751Diana WHITELEY - Margaret MUNSON23.02.5
822John ADAMS - Joy ADAMS24.02.3
842Felicity LAWN - Robin HICKS23.02.3
1071Anne ELLIOTT - Noel THOMAS20.00.8
1192Ian NICHOLSON - Jenny NICHOLSON2-14.0-2.3
1272Jan MADDEN - Geoff GRIFFIN2-10.0-8.3
1341Conny SZENCZY - Graham JONES2-15.0-10.5
1431Diana MCAULIFFE - Georgina MCMAHON2-6.0-11.5
1511Patricia ROBINSON - Bruce WIGGINS2-24.0-12.3
1612Gillian WAINWRIGHT - John SHIELD2-25.0-19.0
1752Margaret BARKER - Judith Ann FRANCIS2-25.0-24.5
1891Dietmar SAJOWITZ - Lyn PROWSE2-40.0-38.3