2017 Women's Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | draw for round 6
Final Match Scores Round 5 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
6Sophie ASHTON - Anita CURTIS3.25-5.7514.754
4Helena DAWSON - Carola HOOGERVORST9.005.7516.253
8Linda KING - Kim NEALE19.0017.0019.252
5Marlene WATTS - Susan HUMPHRIES2.00-17.00-42.338
7Helene PITT - Ruth TOBIN0.25-15.0021.831
3Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER15.2515.004.585
2Vicky WEI - Wei ZHANG8.752.753.176
1Helen MILWARD - Sally CLARKE6.00-2.75-3.257