2017 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 8
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Jacky GRUSZKA - Martin CLEAR
11Ailsa PEACOCK - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN2116.6216.6240.18
217Josh GOLOMBICK - Jessica BRAKE3319.7436.3610.18
33Ann BAKER - Helena DAWSON411.4047.7610.18
415Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON-184.1851.944
58Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER411.4063.3450.18
611Helen LOWRY - Frances LYONS-96.8570.197
712Helene PITT - Susan HUMPHRIES-164.7274.9111
85Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-271.8276.7315
924Robert SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS-96.8583.5818