2017 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs History  

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Tony NUNN - Elizabeth ADAMS
128Agnes SZOLLOS - Warren ROBINSON2316.1816.1840.56
236Toni SHARP - Marilyn CHADWICK-77.9024.0812
330Ann BAKER - Helena DAWSON-97.3031.3820
44Steven BOCK - Rakesh KUMAR1815.0846.46130.56
513Robert SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS1414.2060.6680.56
635Vicky WEI - Rosa PANG310.9071.5670.56
727Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS-87.6079.1612
816Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON110.3089.46120.28