State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Helen LOWRY - Julianne ROCKS
132Vicky LISLE - Ian LISLE2016.3616.3650.36
225Jane BEEBY - Philip BEEBY-48.6024.9611
327Richard DOUGLAS - Robert SEBESFI-58.2533.2112
46Kim MORRISON - David WESTON-96.8540.0617
55Leo GOOREVICH - Colin THOMAS-106.5046.5619
610Judy MOTT - Giselle MUNDELL4020.0066.56100.36
74Guy DILLON - Colin BAKER511.7578.3190.36
88Liam MILNE - Elizabeth ADAMS210.7089.0170.36
921Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR1715.55104.5660.36