State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Neville MOSES - Inez GLANGER
128George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK311.0511.05130.36
223Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF-154.9916.0423
332Vicky LISLE - Ian LISLE411.4027.44190.36
417Rakesh KUMAR - Kevin DAVIES-116.1533.5925
522Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA-145.2638.8527
613Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN612.1050.95250.36
711Adam EDGTTON - Helen HORWITZ-340.0050.9529
826Cate WHITTAKER - Robert CASE-87.2058.1531
914Stuart SCHON - John GUREWITZ913.1571.30310.36