State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Judy MOTT - Giselle MUNDELL
126Cate WHITTAKER - Robert CASE1314.4714.4770.36
26Kim MORRISON - David WESTON913.1527.6250.36
320Nicky STRASSER - Michael WILKINSON-19.6537.2770.18
424Josh GOLOMBICK - Paul DALLEY-330.2637.5319
54Guy DILLON - Colin BAKER-77.5545.0822
616Helen LOWRY - Julianne ROCKS-400.0045.0829
713Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN1214.2059.28260.36
83Nico RANSON - Christopher RHODES-213.3862.6628
917Rakesh KUMAR - Kevin DAVIES511.7574.41270.36