State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Swiss Pairs History  

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Liam MILNE - Elizabeth ADAMS
124Josh GOLOMBICK - Paul DALLEY-96.856.8522
217Rakesh KUMAR - Kevin DAVIES1113.8520.70160.36
328George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK-125.8026.5024
422Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA1515.0141.51140.36
59Yumin LI - Ferenc BUDAI3319.7461.2550.36
630Tina ZINES - Warren ROBINSON311.0572.3070.36
715Orlando WU - Johnno NEWMAN-125.8078.1010
816Helen LOWRY - Julianne ROCKS-29.3087.4012
918Theo MANGOS - Leigh FORAN-38.9596.3513