2016 Country Teams Northern Division
results | match scores | draw for round 2 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

131Susan LINDNER - Anne RUTTER125.012.5
282Kellie POTTS - Nigel MCIVOR124.012.0
311Janet BROWN - Eric HURLEY119.09.5
4112Pauline ERBY - Gil CLARKE118.09.0
512William POWELL - Marjorie ASKEW115.07.5
661Pat SLEAT - Margaret WALKER114.07.0
7111Neville FARRELL - Jenny MICHAEL112.06.0
842Anne JACKSON - Judith CRAFTI18.04.0
991Robyn BINGHAM - Pauly GRIFFIN17.03.5
9102Wayne CARROLL - Fran CARROLL17.03.5
1181Ian DOLAND - David FEATHERSTONE15.02.5
11132Jean LOWE - Maureen BAKER15.02.5
1332Peter BRISCOE - Carol BRISCOE14.02.0
1422Yvonne CAINS - Saima KING13.01.5
15131Jack PIERCE - Eileen PIERCE1-3.0-1.5
16121Megan SUTHERLAND - Gerald DAWSON1-4.0-2.0
1721Mike MCELHINNY - Barry THOMAS1-5.0-2.5
1772Ruth WEATHERLEY - Jill REID1-5.0-2.5
1941Mary GOODALL - Pat FRY1-7.0-3.5
1962Bob STEWART - Denise STRAIN1-7.0-3.5
21101Judy SCOWN - Don SCOWN1-8.0-4.0
2252Rachel PRICE - David TUCKER1-12.0-6.0
2392Magda KIRALY - David ALEXANDER1-14.0-7.0
24141Evelyn COLLEY - Elaine RAE1-15.0-7.5
2551Brian GLOVER - Eric BAKER1-18.0-9.0
26142Philip HOULTON - Bambi HOULTON1-19.0-9.5
2771Yvonne BREAKWELL - Chris SINCLAIR1-24.0-12.0
28122Diana PERRY - Heather BROATCH1-25.0-12.5