2016 Tumbarumba Congress
results | boards | match scores | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

152Lisa MA - Emlyn WILLIAMS239.040.8
282Joan LOWE - Janet NORRIS247.036.5
362Len VAN DER HOR - Liz VAN DER HOR230.036.3
461Sue PILLANS - Barbara TOOHEY229.026.3
592Janet STRZELECKI - Ann HUDSON231.025.0
642Bal KRISHAN - John CURRIE227.021.3
722Richard HILLS - George RISZKO211.016.3
821Alison FARTHING - Dorothy JESNER26.011.8
9111Johanna ARMSTRONG - Joan PIPER216.010.8
1011Leone MOFFAT - Richard BRIGHTLING215.08.5
1171Christine PARKIN - Dorothy STEWART214.07.8
1272Win SEBIRE - Angela LARSEN24.06.8
13151Margaret GREENHALGH - Tess HARRISON211.04.8
14121Inci KHOURY - Carolyn GITHENS29.04.3
1591Laraine PARKER - Loretta PERCIVAL25.03.3
1651Jan DAVIS - Tim DAVIS2-4.02.0
17172Therese KINCH - Susan MARTIN2-2.01.3
1781Judy ROBERTSON - Margaret HARDY24.01.3
19141Kim KIELBASA - Andrea PALMER22.00.3
2041Jan RAVA - David BRENNAN25.0-0.3
21101Judy MAGINNITY - Charles KNIGHT2-16.0-4.0
2112Stephen MENDICK - Jenny MENDICK21.0-4.0
2331Val BROCKWELL - John BROCKWELL2-4.0-4.3
23102Peggy TSAI - Basil SHANAHAN2-9.0-4.3
25122Carol JEFFS - Antoinette DIPPENAAR2-2.0-9.5
26112Jennette ROSETTA - Fay MILLER2-4.0-9.8
2732Jeff CARBERRY - Kaye HART2-17.0-11.0
28152Simon GUEST - Colleen GUEST2-15.0-12.3
29142Paul SCHULZ - John CHAPMAN2-7.0-13.0
30181Pat ADAMS - Mary SMITH2-20.0-14.0
31171Antje BADGER - Helena REEVES2-26.0-14.8
32161Peter DAYHEW - Miriam DAYHEW2-18.0-20.8
33131Pip BRADY - Thea DALGLISH2-29.0-23.3
34132Libby LAMONT - Narelle BEAZLEY2-32.0-26.8
35182Jennifer BROWN - Susan KEENAN2-46.0-44.3
36162Kevin RIORDAN - Gwen RIORDAN2-55.0-48.8