2016 Newcastle Congress
results | boards | cross table | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 5
Restricted/Novice Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 4 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1502Janet RITCHIE - Cheryl PLETZ472.068.8
2452Larry SHEK - Linda SHEK456.046.3
3431Caroline CAREY - Brigitta KUEGLER431.030.1
4492Roy COTTON - Jeff CONROY416.019.3
5442Irena SMIT - George SMIT415.018.1
6501Veronica ANTILL - Margaret SOMERS422.016.4
7451Parveen RAYANI - Jamal RAYANI427.012.5
8482Phillip ELLIS - Chris ELLIS410.09.5
9491Stephanie MATHEWS - Berenice AIR413.08.9
10432Diann MILLER - Judith HAYES43.01.1
11421Charles BOWEN-THOMAS - Lesley BOWEN-THOMAS46.0-0.5
12412Alison REID - Bruce KING4-8.0-3.1
13461Wendy RISSLER - Jenny COYLE4-6.0-3.5
14411Jill ACHURCH - Lorraine FORWARD4-14.0-6.5
15481Vincia MARTIN - Giles MARTIN4-19.0-10.9
16441Belinda OLDING - Jeff BIDDLECOMBE4-20.0-12.4
17422Bob MCKAY - Hans TILLER4-30.0-27.0
18471Henry WELLSMORE - Helen Anne BLACK4-33.0-30.6
19462Miriam OFFICER - Ruth PERRIS4-63.0-60.3
20472Pam INGHAM - Patricia THOMAS4-78.0-76.1