2016 Central Coast Super Congress
results | boards | cross table | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 6
Teams Restricted/Novice Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 5 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1411Austin DRISCOLL - Charles FISHER578.070.4
2442Trish BYRNES - Matthew LYNCH566.070.3
3472John ROGERS - Wing ROBERTS541.048.6
4431Gwen RAFFERTY - Jay NOVAK539.041.9
5451Len EVERSHED - Hans VAN WEEREN528.033.3
6461John MCCAFFREY - Ray HENDLEY522.027.5
7462Alan HEMMINGWAY - Joe CONDE528.024.0
8441Carol ANDERSON - Jurate PETRAUSKAS530.021.6
9471John RUSSELL - Judith PARSONS521.014.8
10452Ray HURST - Heidi COLENBRANDER5-7.08.1
11491Christine EGAN - Di AGOSTINO50.0-1.2
12482Pam INGHAM - Helenannet BLACK5-19.0-22.1
13412Ronald MORAN - Leonard PERKINS5-31.0-25.0
14422Mary MCFADDEN - Jean MORAN5-26.0-25.8
15502Robyn O'HARA - Nanette ROTH5-21.0-26.0
16432Margaret HAGAR - Audrey BELT5-33.0-27.5
17421Rhonda NIX - Jonathon NIX5-28.0-35.6
18492Louise CLEMENT - Sue EVERSHED5-51.0-51.1
19501Jenny WALMSLEY - Cathie MORRISON5-46.0-52.3
20481Henry WELLSMORE - Patricia THOMAS5-91.0-93.9