2016 Youth Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 11
Final History  

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Junkai ZHOU - You HU
111Jacqueline WILMOTT - Xinyu RU23232310.15
212 - 00232
34Sarah BELLINGHAM - Qiao ZHOU20204310.15
46Nico RANSON - Christophe RHODES885110.15
58Charles MCMAHON - John MCMAHON12126310.15
610Leigh MATHESON - Tomer LIBMAN-19-19441
71Helena CANARIS - Monty OLDROYD-6-6383
83Andrew LIN - Ramanan RAJKUMAR-7-7313
95Alex PHILLIPS - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN-15-15166
107Matt SMITH - Ailsa PEACOCK-16-1607
119William BRAZIER - Mitch DOWLING66670.15