2016 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | cross table | draw for round 6
Final History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
Click on the names to display the opponent's history
Ranjit LIMAYE - Michael DRAPER
19Tony LEIBOWITZ - Paul LAVINGS-27.20-27.20-15.9511
25Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-10.80-10.80-26.7512
36Margaret FOSTER - Linda AUBUSSON6.406.40-20.35110.15
412Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI-6.00-6.00-26.3512
57Tina ZINES - Dennis ZINES5.805.80-20.55110.15
64Peter STRASSER - Peter FORDHAM-6.20-6.20-26.7511
710Axel JOHANNSSON - Arthur RAMER4.004.00-22.75110.15
88George FINIKIOTIS - Ross STUART-5.80-5.80-28.5510
911Kevin DAVIES - Leo GOOREVICH8.008.00-20.55100.15
102Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF-18.40-18.40-38.9512
111Neil PERRY - John MOTTRAM6.806.80-32.15110.15