2016 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5 | cross table
Open Final Match Scores Round 4 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
7Nigel ROSENDORFF - Andrew MARKOVICS39.007.33-14.176
5Kim MORRISON - Peter FORDHAM31.67-7.33-29.838
8Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES55.3330.3392.091
6Jane DAWSON - Peter GILL25.00-30.3343.833
1Michael CARTMELL - Nick FAHRER38.6719.670.335
4Peter BUCHEN - Terry BROWN19.00-19.67-16.017
3Robert SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS42.3326.0047.832
2Michael WILKINSON - Mathew VADAS16.33-26.0015.424