2016 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 8
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Kevin DAVIES - Steven BOCK
110Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI-105.755.7521
211Rakesh KUMAR - George FINIKIOTIS612.7518.50170.18
318Ben CHOSID - Leo GOOREVICH-105.7524.2519
42Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS612.7537.00160.18
526Warren ROBINSON - Liz FANOS-57.6744.6717
61Sophie ASHTON - Anita CURTIS-29.0153.6819
716Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN311.4665.14170.18
814Julianne ROCKS - Helen LOWRY-19.5074.64180.09
917John ROGERS - John SCUDDER813.5388.17130.18