2016 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Julian FOSTER - David WESTON
120Richard CARTER - Michael MCAULIFFE-67.257.2518
25Johnno NEWMAN - Daniel BRAUN-57.6714.9221
316Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN612.7527.67140.18
410Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI110.5038.17120.09
512Liz SYLVESTER - Georgina MCMAHON2317.7955.9690.18
614Julianne ROCKS - Helen LOWRY-115.4161.3712
724Leigh FORAN - Theo MANGOS110.5071.87120.09
81Sophie ASHTON - Anita CURTIS2117.3589.2260.18
98David WILTSHIRE - Fadi SWEIDAN-320.6389.8511