2016 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Johnno NEWMAN - Daniel BRAUN
118Ben CHOSID - Leo GOOREVICH-48.108.1017
27Julian FOSTER - David WESTON512.3320.43120.18
319Inez GLANGER - Marcia SCUDDER1415.5435.9770.18
41Sophie ASHTON - Anita CURTIS3519.7855.7540.18
54Ann BAKER - Colin BAKER-67.2563.005
69Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS813.5376.5330.18
73Andre KORENHOF - Carola HOOGERVORST-76.8583.384
88David WILTSHIRE - Fadi SWEIDAN-202.8886.269
913Marilyn CHADWICK - Toni SHARP-76.8593.1110