2015 Grand National Open Teams - Sydney Metropolitan Final
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
Swiss Match Results Round 2 

Click on board number to display all results for the board
Round 2Team15NSvs 12Round 2Team15EWvs 12
Pair: Pair:
Opps: Opps: NSEW
BdContDecLdScoreBdContDecLdScoreIMPs +IMPs -DatumDatum IMPsDatum IMPs
13NTW Q10012 N 7-90-103-3
24 S 10-10024 S 10100-11000
32 N 10-10032 N 2-140660-4-2
46NTN 4147046NTN 3-14401148001
55 E Q5053NTE K-50301-1
62 N A-5061 W 51302-8012
73NTW 4-66076 E 10-10013-460-5-11
83NTS 640084 S A-42014000-1
94 E A10093 E 6-100-304-4
105 N A600102 N 3-1501044047
116 W 9-920113NTW 749010-760-4-7
122 S J140123 S J-140702-2
133NTN 3660134 S 6-6505902-2
143 E 8-110143 N 4-1406110-6-1
Team Rank16 of 40VPs4.15
Next Opps19Total VPs20.15
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