2015 Brisbane Water Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Restricted Swiss Pairs Match Scores Round 3 

Click on number to view the match result
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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
41Bruce NELAN - Susan NELAN169.0828.379
547Faith ROSS - Carol LONG1810.9229.848
42Loraine NEVILLE - Jeanette WEAVER3216.0437.883
549Patricia HEALEY - Bev CLEARY153.9624.9411
43John MITCHELL - Kathy MITCHELL31.8127.6910
550Rodney BELL - Wayne MORGAN3018.1943.863
44Meryl BETHEL - Sylvia ROBB85.6836.614
552Hamid SADIGH - Siamak PARSANEJAD1914.3245.542
45David CORNEY - Margaret CORNEY105.3719.1513
544Felicity FANE - Heather BROWN2214.6328.759
46Beverley SIVEWRIGHT - Molly O'NEILL209.5333.115
548Ann GUNNER - Jeff CONROY2110.4732.775
47Archibald FRASER - Greta DAVIS3419.2944.291
541Kristine LOGAN - Carol BLAIKIE00.7124.9810
48Patricia AUSTIN - Pamela TOWNSEND2612.5721.311
554Sarah CARRADINE - Michael YOUNG207.4319.3413
49Vicky CAHILL - Ken CAHILL95.6829.956
551Jody SWAINE - Marcia LEWIS2014.3237.954
50Lorraine ADAMS - Jim ADAMS2414.9328.848
545Philip HOCKING - Cathy HOCKING115.0719.5712
51John DUNCAN - Jurate PETRAUSKAS135.6838.822
553Gai BROUWER - Brigitta KUEGLER2414.3247.261
52Irene CAMPBELL - Margaret REGAN69.0829.327
543Karl BUCHMANN - Jill BUCHMANN810.9231.267
53Kerrel WALKER - Moira BURGESS1312.9414.7514
542Janet RITCHIE - Cheryl PLETZ67.0613.7614
54Helen WHITE - Terry GIDLEY-BAIRD65.0720.0412
546Carol ANDERSON - Marilyn JARRETT1914.9331.776