2015 Armidale Teams Congress
results | match scores | draw for round 7 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 6 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

111Sharon MAYO - Greg MAYO6187.2177.5
212Michael JOHNSON - Michael SIMES6132.0135.1
371Rosalie BROUGHTON - Ken WILKS6104.0111.4
4141Imre BOKOR - Tony SORENSEN675.090.8
553Robin STOKES - Peter BEATON278.265.5
672Ian PRICE - Bruce TIER640.061.9
7122Mike SIFORD - David ALEXANDER665.057.9
8111Brian GLOVER - Eric BAKER631.044.7
942Julie WILLCOCKS - Kevin WILLCOCKS635.020.5
10112Rachel RICH - David TUCKER6-1.08.2
1191John BRETTELL - Keith CLARKE616.07.4
1231Jill SPILSBURY - Patricia MOORE6-2.03.6
1382Barbara TREHY - David BONSEY62.0-1.1
14101Rosemary THOMSON - Pam BRADFORD6-22.2-1.5
1552Malcolm SAUNDERS - Peter BEATON414.0-3.3
16142Edward HAHN - Nicholas WALL6-30.0-12.4
1781Annette MCKAY - Maureen SMITH6-7.0-12.6
18121Robyn BINGHAM - Pauly GRIFFIN6-24.0-26.8
1992Lee BRUYN - Olive TILLY6-34.0-27.1
2022Diana PERRY - Heather BROATCH6-16.0-28.3
21102Ian MICHELSON - Deborah MCLAY6-43.0-34.7
2262Caitlin HOLMAN - Matthew MCRAE6-51.0-51.8
2332Margaret ATCHISON - Margaret MARTIN6-56.0-63.8
24131Sally JACKSON - Barbara O'SHEA6-74.0-75.1
25132Jane FLETCHER - Simon FLETCHER6-101.2-79.5
2621Megan SUTHERLAND - Jim STROUD6-65.0-81.1
2761Glenda PARMENTER - Ania GLOVER6-70.0-88.6
2851Patricia SEPPELT - Manfred JUNGE6-87.0-95.6
2941Robin COUPLAND - Elizabeth CAMPBELL6-96.0-101.4