2015 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 8
Seniors' ITS Match Scores Round 7 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
20Warren ROBINSON - Michael MCAULIFFE143824214
7Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS12342803
6Liz FANOS - Theo MANGOS9332628
8Lester KALMIN - Leo GOOREVICH123925110
9Eva SHAND - Les VARADI134925011
5Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER02323815
10Mike HUGHES - Kim MORRISON6262822
4Lynn KALMIN - Lorna ICHILCIK16462666
3Mischa SOLAR - George BILSKI6292666
11Marlene WATTS - David BEAUCHAMP13432784
2Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF133523417
12Julianne ROCKS - Margaret FOSTER143720820
1Helen MILWARD - Steven BOCK102521219
13Alex MILOVANOVIC - Michael DRAPER214721718
19Peter FORDHAM - Frank BUDAI83524612
14Theo ANTOFF - Simon STANCU9372961
15George FINIKIOTIS - Margaret KLASSEN174124413
18Peter JEFFERY - Heather CUSWORTH123123815
17Kevin DAVIES - Rakesh KUMAR15442745
16Paul LAVINGS - Andrew MARKOVICS7282569