2015 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 11 | cross table
Women's Final History  

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Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS
110Helen LOWRY - Berenice FOLKARD-125.378.3712
26Julianne ROCKS - Judy MARKS5020.0028.3730.63
37Lorna ICHILCIK - Lynn KALMIN-19.5337.9050.32
44Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR1314.9352.8340.63
58Monica GINSBERG - Sybil HURWITZ-67.4360.265
65Cathryn HERDEN - Patsy MCCARTNEY612.5772.8330.63
711Helena DAWSON - Carola HOOGERVORST1214.6387.4620.63
89Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER110.4797.9310.32
91Rena KAPLAN - Nevena DJUROVIC-48.23106.164
103Judy MOTT - Rita NAILAND4520.00126.1610.63
1112Sarah AMOILS - Helen HELLSTEN3319.15145.3110.63