State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 8
Qualifying History  

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Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE
119Frank BUDAI - Andy SEBESTYEN-29.089.0824
225Judy MOTT - Rita NAILAND-271.8110.8934
36Heath HENN - Richard LINDSAY813.3124.20310.36
432Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER913.6537.85250.36
535Nicholas RODWELL - Fraser REW-86.6944.5429
629Helen HELLSTEN - Margaret FOSTER-57.8252.3631
714Michael MCAULIFFE - Greg QUITTNER-86.6959.0534
88Elizabeth FANOS - Milan DUROVIC-281.6460.6938
920Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD3018.6979.38310.36