State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 8
Qualifying History  

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Sartaj HANS - Helena DAWSON
133Matthew THOMSON - Helen HORWITZ1515.5015.50120.36
227Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-19.5325.03140.18
39Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN1415.2240.2570.36
430Ben CHOSID - Leo GOOREVICH-86.6946.9410
57Paul DALLEY - Paul LAVINGS1515.5062.4480.36
611Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES-96.3568.7910
740Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF1214.6383.4280.36
822Michael WILKINSON - Susan CROMPTON612.5795.9950.36
912Orlando WU - John NEWMAN-360.4496.4315