State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Qualifying History  

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Nicholas RODWELL - Fraser REW
115Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE1114.3214.32140.36
216Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS-125.3719.6924
324Peter JEFFERY - Robert SEBESFI913.6533.34150.36
421Tina ZINES - Tony ONG-164.2237.5626
539Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE813.3150.87200.36
636Simon STANCU - Fran MARTIN-173.9654.8328
729Helen HELLSTEN - Margaret FOSTER1716.0470.87200.36
823Terry BODYCOTE - Steve BARON2317.4288.29110.36
931Wayne SMITH - Julian ABEL-86.6994.9817