State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Qualifying History  

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Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES
131Wayne SMITH - Julian ABEL010.0010.00200.18
217Julian FOSTER - David WESTON913.6523.65190.36
337Helen LOWRY - Berenice FOLKARD612.5736.22110.36
412Orlando WU - John NEWMAN-164.2240.4420
526Bernard EDELSTEIN - Peter COX4420.0060.44110.36
613Sartaj HANS - Helena DAWSON913.6574.0950.36
79Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN1214.6388.7240.36
838David HUDSON - Anita CURTIS2317.42106.1410.36
91Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-135.07111.214