State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Qualifying History  

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Elizabeth FANOS - Milan DUROVIC
128Toni SHARP - Marilyn CHADWICK-340.710.7140
224Peter JEFFERY - Robert SEBESFI-271.812.5240
320Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD311.3513.87380.36
436Simon STANCU - Fran MARTIN-77.0620.9338
517Julian FOSTER - David WESTON210.9231.85360.36
618Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS813.3145.16350.36
725Judy MOTT - Rita NAILAND-125.3750.5337
839Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE2818.3668.89330.36
914Michael MCAULIFFE - Greg QUITTNER512.1881.07280.36