State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Qualifying History  

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Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN
122Michael WILKINSON - Susan CROMPTON-203.233.2332
26Heath HENN - Richard LINDSAY411.7715.00320.36
333Matthew THOMSON - Helen HORWITZ813.3128.31240.36
410Michael COURTNEY - Linden RAYMOND210.9239.23230.36
514Michael MCAULIFFE - Greg QUITTNER4120.0059.23120.36
69Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN-48.2367.4614
716Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS411.7779.23100.36
83Kevin DAVIES - Steven BOCK-67.4386.6614
936Simon STANCU - Fran MARTIN6820.00106.6650.36